It's best to re-install the faceplate from the bottom end first. The serial number is located in the white rectangle. You can pull the faceplate off from the top gently. Micro Expression Training Tool 3.0 Download. We only recommend this as last option as you may accidentally break your faceplate.
The serial number will be in the middle of the pop-up window. Simply connect your AP to AP Manager and click the ' AP Info' button.
If you have a V3, it will begin with FOR, SUB, MIT, MAZ, NIS, etc (depending on your car). You should find a 10 digit serial number there. C) In the 'About AccessPort' menu, scroll down to ' Serial Number Sticker'. Download Lagu Irwansyah Aku Memang Pencinta Wanita on this page.ī) In the 'Help' menu, click the ' About AccessPort' option. A) Starting in the main menu, scroll all the way up to ' Help'. Here is a screenshot run-through of how to find the serial number on your AP.
If you're going through the AccessPort to find your V2 serial number, it will only give you the last 3-5 digits. C) In the 'About AccessPort' menu, scroll down to 'Serial Number Sticker'.